
This is my blog. A place where I can rant, rave, or just put some miscellaneous thoughts down. Some of the content may be: interesting, boring, controversial, misleading, uninformed, or just plain wrong.

I will attempt to have it somewhat correct, but frankly, it's a blog and should not be taken too seriously.


Monday 14 March 2011

A touchy subject ...

Today I'm going to have a go at something that is a very touchy subject.


To begin with let's have a definition.  Below is the definition according to dictionary.com

rac·ism  [rey-siz-uhm]

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races  determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race  is superior and has the right to rule others.
a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
hatred or intolerance of another race  or other races

I noticed that the definition stated that racism is a "hatred or intolerance of other races", and that it isn't restricted to only 1 race.  The reason I say that, is because I get a bit wound up when I read (or hear) stories in the news about this subjectThe conventional wisdom that is out there is that racism is restricted to one specific demographic only, and that all others are "victims"This could not be further from the truth.  All races are guilty of racism.  If you disagree, that's fine, but you are incredibly naive.  I could say that you are also undeniably ignorant of the facts, but I won't, as that would be insulting and we sure can't offend anyone. 

Racism, and intolerance exist in this world, and if you want some examples, here goes.  1994 Rwanda, somewhere between 500,000 and 1,000,000 people are slaughtered because they were from a different tribe (tribalism is another form of racism, as they consider the other an inferior people or non-people).  Ethnic cleansing in the Balkans.  L.A. race riots, where it was not just restricted to African-Americans and the Caucasian population.  It also involved the Hispanic, and Asian communities as well.  The list could be a whole lot longer, but I haven't the time to list all of the examples of racism.  Racism is wrong, regardless of who commits it. 

There are many in this world who hide behind this word, like a child behind a mother's skirt.  It's a convenient excuse for one's own failings, and allows the truth to be clouded.  When used inappropriately, racism hurts those who are actual victims.  It belittles the whole concept of acceptance, and only breeds more intolerance.  When it is used, it needs to be used for all forms of racism.  For example if a child hits another child, should not the attacker be the one punished regardless of the child's race ??  If someone commits a crime, should they not be tried for that crime ??   Equality is just that, all people are equal.  There is a burden that comes with equality, and that means having to be responsible for one's own actions.  If you don't want to lose the crutch that is false racism, then you are the one who does not want equality, and are in fact a racist.

In conclusion, I do not condone racism in any form.  I will admit that I am guilty of having my own personal prejudices.  Yes they do cloud my judgement at times, and it can be a struggle to overcome them.  I succeed most of the time, as I have been lucky enough to meet people from a great many cultures, and races and have found incredibly wonderful people amongst them.  I have also met many examples of people I would consider to be wastes of skin, and oxygen thieves.  No one race has a monopoly on that.